We are maybe looking for YOU! Matchmaking in Prague is here for you! Are you dating in Prague? Are you an Expat in Czechia?

Our demand for Singles:

  1. A lady, who speaks German or English, age 40 – 50, gentle and feminine, up to 173 cm tall, not wanting to have children anymore, for a Czech gentleman
  2. This lady is taken! A Czech man or an Expat living in Prague speaking Czech, age 50-60 yo, for a lady 48 yo, 167 cm
  3. Czech man, age 35 – 55, with a vision and a plan of having a family or a foreigner living in Prague speaking English or French for a Czech lady, 39 yo, 174 cm
  4. Czech man or an Expat, age 40 – 54, speaking English or German for a lady, 42 yo, 177 cm
  5. Lady, 30-44yo, who is active, likes sport, ideally speaks German for a 46 yo gentleman, 186 cm living in Czechia who speaks German, English and Czech
  6. Man, 32-45yo, for a Czech lady who speaks English, to have a relationship and a family one day

Please send your 4-6 photos (face, whole body) to singles@singlesinprague.cz

This service is professional, discrete. You are not seen anywhere!

WHICH TYPES OF PHOTOS should you send us?

Please send us 4-6 quality photos to singles@singlesinprague.cz

You should send us head shot and one body shot. Pick your best photos that highlight your best features:

  • not wearing sunglasses, not in a cap, not sexy poses, not selfies

We need to see your face and your whole body in daylight.

  • only you on the photos – ideally at least one photo: ladies wearing a dress, gentlemen wearing a suit, a polo T-shirt

We can also arrange a photo shoot with our photographer and you would have nice photos of yourself at an affordable price, see Price List. This works very well for our matchmaking clients.

Ladies and gentlemen,

are you an Expat living in Prague? Let us invite you to our Singles in Prague event 45+!

WHEN: Thur 11. 4., 7PM

WHERE: Black Swan Art & Event Gallery, Na poříčí 25, Prague 1 (8th floor) Rooftop Party

More information: https://singlesinprague.cz/en/events/czech-and-expat-singles-expats-in-prague/

Please, sign in as soon as possible, so we can regulate the number of ladies & gentlemen. Thank you.

Are you feeling lonely? … Meet Czech or Expat Singles! Join our Dating in Prague! Expats in Prague, join us!

Thank you for cooperation with our Matchmaking and for sending your photos. Another lady found her other half!

Check out our Singles who would like to meet someone nice to share their life with: https://singlesinprague.cz/en/matchmaking-in-prague-singles-events/

Interested in being in our Matchmaking database? Interested in our Matchmaking? Go for it!

Looking forward to seeing you all in April!

Singles in Prague

Gift Voucher Singles in Prague

Looking for a suitable present for your friends or family members? Give them our Gift  Voucher for our Singles Event!

The owner of the voucher can attend a singles party of his/her choice, enjoy a lot of fun and meet with those who are probably looking for the love of their life! If you would like to see how our parties look like, check out our event Gallery page or visit our YouTube channel.

You can get our voucher by filling in the email and delivery address below. After payment we will send the voucher to your mailbox.

Get the Singles in Prague voucher: https://singlesinprague.cz/en/voucher-singles-in-prague/

What we do – Singles Events and Matchmaking

We would like to invite you all to try our singles events. You are invited to join us to socialize, mingle and interact with other singles in a relaxing and open environment. You might even meet the love of your life! As an alternative we also organize Matchmaking for those who prefer the individual approach.

Are you lonely?… No need for it. Take part in our singles events! Start dating in Prague! You have nothing to lose and maybe the world and love to gain. Come and join us at an upcoming event. Have fun, enjoy a pleasant evening and meet some new people. You might even meet the love of your life! All you need to bring is a good mood and a smile!

We look forward to seeing you all and welcoming you. Love and friendships are out there waiting for us all!

Singles in Prague




Single ladies, where are you?
We are looking for 2  Single Ladies for our Matchmaking! Is that you, your sister, friend or a colleague? Meet the one!

We are looking for women who would like to meet our single men, our new clients for Matchmaking:

  • Czech man, 35 years old, 175cm
  • Expat living in Prague, 53 years old, 172cm

The single ladies should be: both maximum up to 172 cm tall, skinny or normal  body types , not chubby, not full bodied.

  • a young single woman 27-34 years old, without children, for a childless client, he would like to have a family in the future
  • a woman, elegant lady, international type 40-50 years old, slender or normal body type, not chubby, not the type of a woman who spends every weekend in a cottage with a family, open-minded
    Both women up to 172cm. We are interested in elegant slender types.

Please send your 4-6 photos (face, whole body) to singles@singlesinprague.cz

This service is professional, discrete, you are not seen anywhere.

Please send us quality photos where we can see you! 🙂 Not wearing sunglasses, not in a cap, not sexy poses, not SELFIES.

We can also arrange a photo shoot with our photographer and you would have nice photos of yourself at an affordable price, see Price List.

After receiving your quality pictures, we would send you a short questionnaire and later profiles of the gentlemen. If there is a match, you can go for a date and see if there is some sparkle between you two. You have nothing to lose no expectations, no disappointment. Join us.

Hello, is it me you’re looking for? – Lionel Richie 🙂

Find out more at: https://singlesinprague.cz/en/consultancy-and-matchmaking-find-the-love-she-is-the-one/

We also organize the BEST SINGLES EVENTS IN PRAGUE! Join us!

Looking forward to seeing you!

Singles in Prague