Czech Event 30+ Live Music – Pianist

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Unfortunately this Event is now full for ladies (limit reached). Please sign in for our next Singles Event Singles Event 45+ Live Music - Pianist. Thank you.
Unfortunately this Event is now full for gentlemen (limit reached). Please sign in for our next Singles Event Singles Event 45+ Live Music - Pianist. Thank you.

Singles in Prague

Dating services Singles in Prague - Singles Events and Matchmaking are provided and organised by Ms Klára Le Cornu under the following conditions which at the same time determine a contractual relationship between the provider and a participant to these services.

Only a person of age with full legal capacity in the respective area is entitled to take part in the dating services Singles in Prague. To apply for the dating services of Singles in Prague, i.e. to take part in an event organized by Singles in Prague, a person must register via e-application form on the websites of Singles in Prague, to accept these Terms and Conditions and to pay the respective admission fee.

It is necessary to fill in the e-application form with the applicant’s valid and correct personal details. The provider of the dating services Singles in Prague is not entitled to check the personal details nor is she liable for their validity and correctness.

Application/registration for the particular dating event of Singles in Prague is completed when the admission fee is duly paid, not later than 1 day prior to the event, to the provider’s bank account with Raiffeisenbank, a.s. No. 1234212/5500 with specification either by variable symbol sent to the applicant by a confirmation e-mail sent by the provider once the properly completed e-application form has been submitted to Singles in Prague or by filling in of his/her full name to the message for the recipient. Participants have to pay for the event within 10 days from the date of his/her reservation or the registration/reservation is invalid. Once all the above conditions are fulfilled the contractual relationship between the provider and the applicant is entered into and the applicant is entitled to participate in the selected dating event of Singles in Prague.

Any participant to an event organized by Singles in Prague is obliged to abide by the rules of decency and good morals and to treat other participants with respect and dignity while attending such an event. He/she is bound to refrain from any indecent, vulgar or insulting words or expressions and from any sexual approaches or proposals. Making photographs or video records during events of Singles in Prague is not allowed.

A duly registered participant may cancel his/her attendance to an event of Singles in Prague not later than 10 calendar days in advance by sending an e-mail message to in which case the whole admission fee will be refunded to him/her. Should a duly registered participant cancel his/her attendance to an event of Singles in Prague later then that but not later than 5 calendar days in advance, the admission fee will not be refunded but he/she can transfer it to another event of Singles in Prague within 3 months from the event he declined.

The provider may cancel any particular dating event should the capacity of such an event fail to be filled. Furthermore, the provider may cancel any particular dating event from any other serious reason whereas the seriousness of such a reason is solely upon the consideration of the provider. Under such circumstances the registered participants are entitled to reimbursement of the duly paid admission fee in full or may transfer it to another event of Singles in Prague. The admission fee shall be reimbursed in the amount in which it was credited to the above bank account. Attendants are not entitled to any compensation of discounts or any other benefits eventually provided for the cancelled dating event.

The provider reserves a right to decline any participant from attendance to an event from any serious reason while she is not obliged to disclose the reason to him/her. The provider is not liable for the behaviour of participants either during events of Singles in Prague or any time later in any connection with provided dating services.

The usage of any indecent, vulgar or insulting words or expressions or making of any sexual approaches or proposals while participating in a dating event of Singles in Prague may result in expulsion of participant from such an event. Photography, audio or video recordings of events without the prior consent of Singles in Prague may result in expulsion of the participant from such an event.

The provider does not garant a participant to a dating event of Singles in Prague that he/she meets a suitable partner during such an event nor is she liable for any services provided to participants by any third party during such an event. No right for compensation thereof whatsoever is therefore granted to any participant in case of his/her discontentment. Should a participant cause by his/her fault any damage to the provider he/she is obliged to compensate/undo such a damage.

Mutual relationships including legal relations between the provider and a participant are governed by the respective clauses of Civil Code Act No. 89/2012 Coll. and other respective legislation of the Czech Republic.

In accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On Protection of Personal Data, a participant grants consent to processing of his/her personal data to the provider, as an administrator, for a period of 5 years within such a consent, for the purposes of making business offers of products and services, conducting marketing studies ascertaining participants‘ satisfaction, enhancing quality of provided products and services, as well as for the purposes of business communication via electronic devices pursuant to Act No. 480/2004 Coll., On Certain Information Society Services. A participant acknowledges that he/she has a right to have his/her personal data corrected and is entitled also to other rights stipulated in section 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll. This consent is granted voluntarily and may be withdrawn at any time free of charge via e-mail message sent to the e-mail address of the provider A participant agrees to the processing of his/her personal data that he/she provided to the provider hereunder. A participant agrees to be sent and to receive information and business communication associated with dating services Singles in Prague to his/her e-mail address and his/her phone number.

The participant is aware of the possibility that his/her image/portrait may be captured and/or an audio or video recordings of himself/herself or of his expressions of personal nature may be made during a dating event of Singles in Prague. Should it be the case, the applicant grants his/her consent thereto as well as to a possible distribution of his/her image/portrait and/or an audio or video recordings of himself/herself or of his expressions of personal nature for promotional purposes of Singles in Prague in the media and social media. The applicant may withdraw his/her consent to the capture, usage or distribution of his/her image/portrait, audio or video recordings of himself/herself or of his expressions of personal nature.

The provider is entitled to make changes to these Terms and Conditions according to her needs with the effect of their publication on website of Singles in Prague. Participants are kindly requested to acquaint with the actual version of the Terms and Conditions prior to each application to an event of Singles in Prague. Should any misunderstanding occur respecting these Terms and Conditions, the Czech language version is decisive. In case of any dispute arising hereof or from any services provided by the provider Czech courts are authorised to decide such a dispute should the parties involved fail to solve it peacefully.

Good luck and have fun.

Singles in Prague

Ms. Klára Le Cornu, Identification No. 04869788, seated at Názovská 3255/16, 100 00, Praha 10 Strašnice

Pursuant to Act No. 101/2000 Coll., The Act on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter "the Act"),

I agree to the processing of personal data for Singles in Prague, Mrs. Ing. Klara Le Cornu, ID: 04869788 to process the following personal data in accordance with the law: name and surname, e-mail, telephone number, year of birth.

I am interested in being informed about Singles in Prague and Singles In through my email and phone numbers. I agree to receive newsletters, news via e-mail,  information about dating parties, receiving marketing materials and publishing photos, video recordings from events, etc. I am aware that this consent to the processing of data, the law is voluntary and I am entitled to revoke it at any time. Revocation of consent must be made in writing to


Czech speaking 30+

19. 10. 2017 19:00 - 22:00
Participants: 26
Mr. A Restaurant - Hotel Sovereign

Address: Politických vězňů 16, Praha 1

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

let me invite you to our classy singles event for Czech speaking at Hotel Sovereign. The venue is a comfortable and relaxing environment with great atmosphere and a live pianist! You will have a chance to talk with each other in a nice environment and get to know each other better.


  • 3 drinks – your choice of drinks
  • Pierre Lang Vienna – jewelry (3500 czk – 4000czk)
  • Luxury 3-Course Dinner at Hotel Sovereign

You might meet the love of your life, either way we will enjoy each other's companionship. There will be a welcoming drink (prosecco, beer, water) and first 10 to arrive receive a small gift.

Looking forward to seeing you all!